The Intrepid
New Yorker, a woman owned business, is a leading relocation consulting company serving the most demanding and complex of destinations -- New York City and the tri-state area. Regarded by corporations and third-party relocation companies as the "special operations unit" for in-bound executives and their families, The Intrepid New Yorker is entrusted with the most critical hires, global assignees and senior people. Powered by a proven strategic model, a skilled and dedicated director and a highly experienced field consulting team, The Intrepid New Yorker succeeds time after time, not merely in finding homes, but actually recreating people's lives, on time, on budget and without stress. Given New York's uniquely high cost of living and extreme terrain -- with hundreds of communities spread over a 75-mile radius of Manhattan -- the "smooth moves" orchestrated by The Intrepid New Yorker are nothing short of miraculous.
What began as a concierge service for busy New Yorkers in the early '80s, evolved into a relocation services business, as the demand for knowledgeable assistance for in-bound executives grew. Corporations were not structured to provide adequate support and placed too much of the burden of area education, orientation and qualified resource gathering on transferees. In recognizing this void, The Intrepid New Yorker substantially improved recruiting and relocation in general, setting the standard for a new specialty called "destination services." In 1999, The Intrepid New Yorker merged with suburban-based Relocation and Real Estate Consulting/Westchester Relocation Services to become a fully integrated tri-state service.
Today, The Intrepid New Yorker boasts an expert consulting team strategically situated throughout New York City and the suburbs of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Long Island. The Intrepid New Yorker consultants function as caring counselors, investigative reporters, nurturing navigators and pillars of support to make the best matches between families and communities and effect smooth and happy transitions.
The Intrepid New Yorker's pre-planning, local knowledge, critical contacts and resources make it possible for relocation-related transactions to be completed in days rather than weeks, thus reducing myriad expenses associated with home-finding trips, temporary housing stays and excessive fees for realtors, attorneys and education consultants. One failed domestic or international transfer can cost a company thousands in lost revenue and by retaining the Intrepid New Yorker, clients can rest assured that every relocation into the New York Metropolitan area will be seamless and successful.
S. Ehrlich SCRP, on every level -- regional, national
and international -- she is a speaker, trainer, author, and workshop
leader. Ms. Ehrlich used her background in psychology, her personal
experience as a relocated child and then as the accompanying spouse
in seven domestic and international moves to establish a relocation
destination services specialty. In 1983, she launched the award-winning
Westchester Relocation Services division of Randolph Properties
before starting her own relocation consulting company in 1997, ultimately
merging it with The Intrepid New Yorker in 1999. Ms. Ehrlich was
among the first to receive the "Certified Relocation Professional
(CRP)" in 1990. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including:
the "Going the Extra Mile" Service Award from Relocation
Resources, Inc. (1993), the Meritorious Service Award from
the Employee Relocation Council (ERC) (1998), and was a charter
inductee into the RELO® Network Hall of Fame (1997).
In 2002, Ms. Ehrlich became one of only 140 relocation professionals
to receive the coveted SCRP designation from ERC as well as the
Distinguished Service Award for her efforts and commitment to the
relocation industry. Past president of the Tri-State Relocation
Services Group, Inc., Ms. Ehrlich has served or currently serves
on the ERC Educational Summit Task Force, the ERC Membership Committee
and the Westchester County Chamber Economic Development Council.
She is on the Board of Westchester Human Resources Management Association
(WHRMA) chapter of the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM),
and chairs the International Human Resources Special Interest Group
(IHR-SIG). Sylvia Ehrlich has appeared on Good Morning America
(ABC) and has been featured in the real estate and business sections
of The New York Times, Crain's and USA Today. She has been published
in numerous industry magazines. Ms. Ehrlich speaks several languages
and enjoys American, Canadian and Russian citizenships.